kamakaji saptah
कामकाजी = WORKINGउदाहरण : श्रम के फल उत्पादन के प्रभुत्वपूर्ण संबंधों के माध्यम से कामकाजी वर्ग से अलग हो जाते हैं।
Usage : the fruits of labour are alienated from the working class through the dominant relations of production.
Usage : the fruits of labour are alienated from the working class through the dominant relations of production.
(Noun) +9
कामकाजी अवकाश = BUSMANS HOLIDAYउदाहरण : अपनी छुट्टी में भी बस चालक ने लोगों को टूर पर ले जाया। यह एक सच्चा कामकाजी अवकाश था।
Usage : Even on his day off, the bus driver took people on a tour. It was a true busman's holiday.
Usage : Even on his day off, the bus driver took people on a tour. It was a true busman's holiday.
(Noun) +5
कामकाजी महिला छात्रावास = WORKING WOMEN HOSTELउदाहरण : उसने शहर में इंटर्नशिप करते समय कामकाजी महिला छात्रावास में रुका।
Usage : She stayed at a working women hostel while interning in the city.
Usage : She stayed at a working women hostel while interning in the city.
(noun) 0